Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TFY-Chapter 7

Chapter seven : Evaluations

1. This is a chapter about one variety of opinion called evaluations. Evaluations can be openly stated or remain hidden and manipulative. They can be based on explicit or vague criteria, clear or vague feelings. Their effects are powerful. When we mistake them for facts or are influenced by them unawares, we get into trouble, so this chapter teaches us how to both recognize and detach from evaluations.

2. Evaluations are not facts. Factual reports keep that contain unexamined or faulty support. Critical thinkers can support their evaluations.

3. Our minds tent to evaluate situations before we have had time to look them over.

4. Expectations influence our perception as well as our evaluations.

5. Word connotation can be manipulative evaluations.

6. An expert is a person with a reputation for making skilled evaluations.

7. The best defense against propaganda is to stay conscious.

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