Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TFY-Chapter 5

Chapter five : Assumptions

1. This chapter concerns another familiar word, assumptions, demonstrating some surprising complexities in the term.

2. The word assumption is something we take from granted or accept and idea without sufficient proof of its truth or certainly.

3. Assumptions can be forgotten inferences

4. Assumptions can be conscious or unconscious, warranted or unwarranted.

5. Hidden assumptions are unconscious assumption that influences a line of reasoning.

6. Good arguments are not based on assumptions.

7. Value assumptions are beliefs that we take for granted. We may assume that everyone
shares these beliefs or that they contain universal eternal truths.

8. A value assumption can form the base of pyramid that supports many layers of hidden assumption, all of which provide support for one idea expressed at the top.

9. First we have to be alert enough to recognize incongruities, then we need to do the thinking needed to explain them.

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